Tuesday, December 29, 2009


My family trip to china was lik a stupid disaster bcus my retarted auntie was there to ruin it...She does'nt noe how to do anyting n still act big n i was freaking unlucky througout the trip n I don't really wan to go on another family trip again sia n I am having a stupid string of ba luck. N school's starting soon n i hope all will go on smoothly in school cus i got everyting ready. I really hav a weird habit of remmembering things n experimenting wif stuff.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Now i am going to tell u abt my stay in hongkong even though it's been so long

Day 1: Met with my frens whose parents took me to the airport. Went to eat a few things...My fren's parents treated us.
Then we went to the wrong place to meet u. lucky nothig happened n During the flight, my frens n i almost never write the immirgration form.
Then we alighted at the airport,Phew there was a gap in between the connected and the breeze was very cooling bcus i nvr wear my jacket.
went to eat at my hotel"s restaurant....Food still okok and i hate TEA!!!
Went to the golden bauhinia square, Phew my hands were freezing and couldn't take any gd pictures.Then we went to the victoria peak and it was a chilling 14 degrees man. Our last destination for the day was the repulse bay..It was also very cold n i Bought a few things.
Went to eat dinner
Day 2: Went and ate a buffet bfast cus i did not ate supper.
Then went to a primary sch to visit them and their uniform groups...They remind me of my pri sch days and the childern r very cute and the sch is veery nicely built.
Went to eat lunvh at a local restaurant. The went to take a cable car to Ngong ping n went up the great budha...So cold n i bcame a terrorise-like figure bcus it was very cold. Can breathe out smoke.
Took cable car back n went to shop and i oni bought a shirt bcus i did not hav much much money. Afterthat went to eat dinner at local restaurant. My fen n i went to buy supper which was instant noodles with our shorts, we were freezing to death.
Day 3: Went to eat bfast n then went to disneyland to play the whole day. It was very fun i should not hav take the roller coaster...Went to eat luch inside there n the food was not bad. Joel n I slept at the restaurants while the otheres went repeatedly to the roller coasters. After that, we went to the Mongkok night night market to shop..Bought quite a few things including a watch.
Day 4(Last day): Hotel morning bfast n then went to take our luggage out n then went to ocean park for the whole day. My frens n I went to take 4 rides n ate lunch there. We then went out of our last destination n then to the airport. Went to check in our luggage n then went to the check in place n waited for flight which was delayed for an hour n the tour leader showed us trices n we ate a few thing s cus we r very hungry n played card till the flight. Bade gdbye to Hongkong n went to take the flight..Starving to death on the flight till dinner was served on th plane super late abt 11 plus am.

Thats all for my trip......:p n tks to the tour Guide James for guiding us n tour leader Jonathan for sharing with us abt your army days.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Sry...something caught up...Actually this is part 2(or part3)...Enjoy

The dolphins r so talented

At 1 time, This rubbish walked around!! I was so stunned that that rubbish bin could walk!!!

Funny thing is Joel n me slept in disneyland for abt 1 or more hours n It was his birthday!!!!

Here r the (Part 2) Photo's...Enjoy

A picture of my squadmates n me....James help took the photo

A picture of Xun Hao...James(the tour guide) n Joel

The picture of the Great budda(i don't noe how to spell)...It was so difficult tp climb up those steps!!!! n it was so cold there......

Ethan wif that "smile"


It's been a while..... This r picture's which i took during my HK trip n My Ace camp...Enjoy(Part1)

The picture of the sec 3s on the cable car.....Hehe

From left...Xun Hao....Down is Galvin n top right is Rishi.... Their picture was taken by ethan n i go purposely tok their pic ^-^

This was the school I visited during my trip to hongkong. They r so well behaved unliked My primary school n their rows r so neat man. I was quite appalled.....

This is just 1 of my group photo which the whole group of us went to hongkong n took together.... every1 is so happy but y is hongtah being left out??? Strange.

I could finally upload this photo to my blog.... It's been abt a month or more since i attended my sec 2 ace camp.

Friday, November 13, 2009

This is just 1 of my class photo... It was taken at the last day of school n It is my last class photo together with my classmate n form teacher......It has alot of warmt n feelings in it....................... Almost every1 is happy n playful

So tiring.... N so excited

Stupid sia... Even when it is the sch holidays I still must come back to school almost every weekday for cca or studies sia..... So tiring... I can oni sleep properly at weekends sia.... Even when i do not hav to go to sch on a weekdays, I got woken up by my bro or my parents... So freaking irritating sia. I still have 2 streams of Hw TO DO N I HAVEN EVEN STARTED.... I nid to do both the express n NA holiday hw which is lik a dam hell lot...... Anyway.... I still must pack my luggage to go for a hongkong trip which lasts from next tues to fri n I still nid to wake up early on tat day n I still nid to go to sch early next mon.... So tiring but I am looking forward to tat trip... I hope I can buy alot of things n enjoy myself on tis trip rather than what i hav experience on my last overseas trip. Time for peace n tranquility to happen around here N I am not going to let others to bully my frens next year.... If they take the chance to bully them when i am not around, They r so dead meat.

Friday, October 30, 2009

End of school.... Even more tiring sia

Even though it is end of sch.... I have tons of holiday hw bcus i nid to do both the express n the NA holiday hw which makes me busy at least haf of the holiays man. I received so many people's advice until it got me confused.... Eventually i went to a sourse which i tink suits me alittle bit. I STILL WAN TO BUY MY PHONE!!!! I nid to do so many tings during the holidays...... HELP! I will really miss my classmates bcus they hav been wif me for so long.... But i can always meet up wif them to play..... Next year i will have to really giv my 100% attention in my studies liao.... I will have to brush up my languages wif i can at least be on spar wif the express students. I will have to buy a board to write down wat i nid to do in the holiays...... super tiring sia...... Time to change into a hardworking person. There are so many things flooding in my mind........... Problems after problems

Thursday, October 29, 2009

All is great but...........

Things seemed to be goin smoothly for me so far.... Even though my final results came out, I was not really surprised anyway cus i knew that i would get 2nd in class..... That was all i predicted.... I thought that the 1st 3 in the level r goin to express n me, being the 4th can get 1st in the level.... But nvr would i expect that there would be a change in plans..... The principal has decided to let the top 10% in the level but we must study very hard n chose our options wisely so that it will not jeopardise our own studies.... Somemore we still must hav an eng exam in 9th nov sia. Somemore we must hav remedials so that we can keep up wif the express students..... There is so much goin in my mind that i am goin to lose track of them very soon. Still got cca activities n overseas trips wif my cca n my family n I must buy alot of things b4 my sec 3 life starts...... I am starting to feel a little nostalgic abt everything that has happened..... Everything has happened n they r gone but i still keep then in my memories.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


It will be my last post until the end of my exams..... Aiya... My birthday is on 12 sept and i don't noe wat to do on my birthday? Should i just go out wif my frens or sta at home and revise for my exams? Anyway, I wish tat i will get gd marks for my exams and hopefully go to sec 3 best NA class. My plan is if i don't lik my class, i will just ask for a transfer to a class which i like. If oni i get gd results. Anyway i just wan to pass my exams with flying colours and get to sec 3. I also hope i can save up enuf money to go to beijing wif my family and buy all he tings i wan. Hehe. I shall post again at the end of my exams. Hope tat i will not make any careless mixtake tis time.

Monday, September 7, 2009

STRESS OUT!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!

Sian sia. My exams r comming in 3 weeks n i will have to revise lik hell cus tis is the streaming year. I still don't noe whether to go to a gd class anot sia. go gd class got alot of clever ppl n bastarts too. I don't wan to get stress out cus i got tons n tons of headaches when i am stressed!!!!!!!!! Somemore my cca promotion test is comming. bcus i failed the last promo test, i will have to really pass tis promotion test sia. I really seriously want to pass!!!!!! Looks like i will hav to really giv it wat i hav got tis time to surprise every1 nmake miricle happen!!!!!! Its wat i lik to do best ^_^. Haha.. Lolz

STRESS OUT!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!

My exams are comming in 3 more weeks and i have so many subjects to study!!!!!! Help sia. N somemore i don't noe whether to go to a gd class anot sia.... go gd class is gd but gt alot of smart ppl sia. I don't wan to stress myself out!!!! I will get tons and tons of headache when i'm stressed out!!!!!! Somemore, I still have hav my cca promotion test next week sia, so hard to pass, i failed my last 1 so i must confirm pass tis 1 or sure die sia. I also nid to revise for my exams and promotion test. So hard sia. looks like i have to give it all i have got tis time n shock every1 in my exams liao. So stress but i am determined to make a miricle!!!!! It's wat i do best..... haha lolz

Monday, August 31, 2009

Strange??? n Eventful

Hi. Some strange tings n gd tings have happened to me. I really feel tat it is true tat when ur right eye suddenly blink, someting bad will happen to u n when ur left eye sudenly blinks, someting bad will happen to u. I seriously belive it is true bcus recently when my right eye suddenly blink, someting bad will happens to me n when my left my blinks, someting super gd always happens to me. Today i have a teachers day celebration n it went really while except for some areas here n there. My class was kind of cooperative n overall i really lik the celebration. N when i visited my pri sch today, it has really changed alot but the canteen stalls didn't change much n i can still see someparts of the sch was untouch n still the same when i left my pri sch. I still got tat old feeling of the pri sch days when i stepped into the sch n walked around. I tink there wasn't any new teachers except there is a new principle. The end........... Hope i will post soon if i have the time cus my exams r comming soon.

Eventful Life

Wow i wonder how long it has been since i last posted. Btw my life has been very interesting so far in all my life. Especially in my sec sch. My class is more cooperative i tink, and recently my classmates really treated each other like their own family members n my class really bonded quite alot, furthermore it is the first time in my life since i saw my class bonded so well. I am quite happy n excited to see what will hapen in the future, anyway, i still finding a way to try to get the girls n boys in my class n the diff groups of ppl to bond n really mix wif each other, lik tat, it will really feel lik a real class n we can all enjoy studying together. I tink tat it is really true tat a sch is lik a second home. Furthermore i am still very excited abt what will happen when all my exams tis year finished once n for all.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Oh man Sec 2.....

Sec 2 life is so tiring sia expecialy when there is alot of test one 1 week.this week most of the teachers say next week expecially monday got alot,and furthermore,yesterday during cca,we were having a total defence rehearsal and we were talking and other things and after that, we got punished bcus of that.It is bcus we are sec 2.And, ppl wan to noe tis blog name........ I hope tey won't spam on it.Furthermore,i very long nvr update liao so nvr mind.....