Friday, October 30, 2009

End of school.... Even more tiring sia

Even though it is end of sch.... I have tons of holiday hw bcus i nid to do both the express n the NA holiday hw which makes me busy at least haf of the holiays man. I received so many people's advice until it got me confused.... Eventually i went to a sourse which i tink suits me alittle bit. I STILL WAN TO BUY MY PHONE!!!! I nid to do so many tings during the holidays...... HELP! I will really miss my classmates bcus they hav been wif me for so long.... But i can always meet up wif them to play..... Next year i will have to really giv my 100% attention in my studies liao.... I will have to brush up my languages wif i can at least be on spar wif the express students. I will have to buy a board to write down wat i nid to do in the holiays...... super tiring sia...... Time to change into a hardworking person. There are so many things flooding in my mind........... Problems after problems

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