Tuesday, September 8, 2009


It will be my last post until the end of my exams..... Aiya... My birthday is on 12 sept and i don't noe wat to do on my birthday? Should i just go out wif my frens or sta at home and revise for my exams? Anyway, I wish tat i will get gd marks for my exams and hopefully go to sec 3 best NA class. My plan is if i don't lik my class, i will just ask for a transfer to a class which i like. If oni i get gd results. Anyway i just wan to pass my exams with flying colours and get to sec 3. I also hope i can save up enuf money to go to beijing wif my family and buy all he tings i wan. Hehe. I shall post again at the end of my exams. Hope tat i will not make any careless mixtake tis time.

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