Monday, February 1, 2010

Busy......And fun man ^_^ common tests are comming man and I am goin to be busy 100% man wif schoolwork,CCA and common tests....I wonder how am i goin to manage all tat and furthermore my arm injury is comming back and i don't noe how to treat it man...Even my mother cannot do anyting abt it...Looks like I have to deal wif it all alone man even if is takes me 4ever to treat it.Sec 3 life is very tiring man wif cca and school work pilling up day by day. I really have to go full swing into serious concentration mode man if I want to graduate at sec 4 wif my classmates now....And The photos and comments put at the Gess camp was pretty funny and nice. And my Fren actually confessed to a girl tat he loves He is brave man i would say. I hoe tat my arm and shoulder injury would get well soon man...

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