Friday, January 29, 2010

Back from camp at funny and happy

I just came back from camp yesterday and principal meet the parents session cum prize givin ceremony....I am goin to share my camp experience wif u all...
In the mornin woke up as 1 of the earliest of my frens and went to sch wif all of my camping onto the bus which is quite borin and when we all took the ferry, most of the students got seasick because of the rough sea and eventually into our grp and went to do our cip prog...quite fun after that and my frens and I played with a ball which must be blowned up wif air...Quire fun and some of my frens made use of the ball to bully one of my classmates...after that went to bath and went back to our dorm and we played freaking fun cus we went and bodyslammed each other ^_^ fun and ate at another table wif 3 of my another frens cus nt enuf space..and i had to eat alone borin sia. Nightime was fun and we slept so late cus my frens and I kept playin. The second day was so tiring cus had to wake up early for sampan rowing. Sang the national anthem and the pledge cus my principal wanted us to do it. Went to prepare for camp and went for sampam rowin and it was so fun... And i got wet but nt as wet as some of my classmates...went to wash up and went for sandcastle building and learnt some lessens like must not be rash and the last part was so funny cus my frens go and make a sculpture of me wif my two (tings) funny and on the first day we played wif the stickers durin cip prog..another funny joke...Then went to eat lunch and went on to treasure hunt which was fun and i got aliitle bit sick cus I had a aliitle bit of a headache. Went to a place which was very windy and cooling and my frens went and caught some small crabs. Went to coconut tree climbing after that and when I actually fitted into the harness and when i climbed, the first few times were unsucessful cus i couldnot get a gd grip and I went to another tree and climbed..My frens were surprised at y i went there and cheered for me and i really need to thank everybody for the support they have given me and after that we went to eat dinner and checked into the hotel rooms which was pretty lousy cus it does nt have the basic nessities..went to campfire and it was pretty fun. at the last day,i woke up wif quite a headache. we went to pack our stuff and went to sing the national anthem and said the pledge...we then went to the sch again to say gdbye and to give them some presents. After that we went to take a gruelling bus ride and went for some shopping which only interested me in some tings but i did not buy anyting except for some snacks and drinks. After that we went to the ferry terminal and bade gdbye to instructor jie min and robin(at the campsite bcus he needed to follow the sec 4's to climb up a mountain) sad and happy...The ferry ride was borin man and no kid...after that went to take a coach back to sch for the principal meet the parents session cum prize giving ceremony. It was quite borin and I was very hungry and when I went on top to collect my prize for best in science and history,I tink i got the loudest clap and cheers from everywhere and saw my last year classmates smilling so brightly and I even saw the principcal looking so happy and smilling and went talked to somebody. I want to thank everybody who cheered for me yesterday..I really appreciated it. This is the most summarised version of my camp and principal meet the parents session. Gdbye and I really nid to go and revise for my common tests next fri and i really had a fun camp

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